Sunday, March 15, 2009

Liposuction For Men - Fat Removal is Not Just For the Ladies

Cosmetic surgery has always been a thing for women, but these days men are taking advantage of all it has to offer. Tummy tucks, Botox, nose jobs and even liposuction. That's right, lipo for men is on the rise!

After all, middle-aged flab can strike anyone, whether male or female. Men statistically more time sitting in front of football games swilling beer, and less time at gyms and salad bars. As men approach middle age, we suffer from the same build-ups of fat, and it's just as tricky to get rid of.

Nobody Loves Love Handles

One of the worst trouble spots for men is the "love handles". These are areas of fat that accumulate around the belly. Your girlfriend or wife might joke about them being cute, but let's face it-She'd like you better without them.

Love handles are one of the things that bother middle-aged men most. The main reason is that they are a dead giveaway that you are middle-aged! Liposuction is effective at removing love handles, no matter what age you are. It is a small job for a plastic surgeon to do. The tricky part is trying to keep them from coming back! Proper diet and exercise are recommended, but if all else fails, lipo is cheap and can be done again whenever you need it.

Man Boob Removal

Man boobs are embarrassing. Men can develop breasts at any time in their lives, from their teen years until retirement age. It is a common problem, and it keeps you from taking your shirt off at the beach. Liposuction can target the areas of the body where you need it most. Your doctor can remove fatty tissue from around the breasts without upsetting your muscles or anything else. Man boobs are some of the least likely fat to ever make a reappearance.

Facial Rejuvenation For Men

One of the most popular uses for liposuction in both men and women is facial rejuvenation. This means getting rid of some of the fullness of the lips, the saggy jowls or the too-big nose. A little bit of liposuction can do it, and this is one of the most popular uses of lipo for men. At any age, facial rejuvenation can give you a younger, healthier look.

Finding The Right Plastic Surgeon

Liposuction is a simple procedure that any plastic surgeon can handle. The key is to find a surgeon who you like and trust in your area. Look in the yellow pages or look online for a doctor in your area. Another great way to find a plastic surgeon is to ask a friend who has had work done. When you go for your consultation, ask lots of questions and let the surgeon show you what can be done with your body.

Lipo isn't just for the ladies anymore. Ask any of the thousands of men who had lipo done last year. Every year the number is growing, and it's all because liposuction is an effective way to get rid of your unwanted flab.

Men too can get rid of stubborn fat deposits with liposuction Glendale. plastic surgeon offers a number of procedures customized for men. Visit to find out more.

Find more about Men Liposuction here;

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