Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Growing Popularity Of Liposuction For Men

When we think of plastic surgery of any kind, most of us immediately think of women as the patients. Traditionally, the overwhelming percentages of patients who undergo plastic surgery are women. But the truth is, more and more men are signing up for plastic surgery in an effort to defy age and shed extra pounds. To this end, liposuction for men, especially, has become vastly popular.

Liposuction is a surgical procedure wherein small incisions are made around an area holding excess fat deposits. The surgeon inserts a tube into the incisions and aggressively vacuums fat from the body. For women, the most popular places to have liposuction are on the abdomen, inner thighs, and buttocks. Liposuction is a great way to attack trouble spots that have not responded adequately to proper diet and exercise.

Liposuction for men achieves the same effect – the eradication of trouble spots that typically hold excess fat deposits. In the case of liposuction for men, the most popular places on which to have the procedure are the abdomen, neck, and loins. You will often hear men complain about the “spare tire” or “love handles” around their middle – an area that often stubbornly resists proper diet and exercise.

Liposuction for men – just as with women – should be approached with caution and only after other measures have been taken to eliminate fat deposits. Liposuction is not a magic bullet for weight loss; the patient should already be living a lifestyle that includes a healthy diet and a consistent exercise program. For those interested in liposuction for men who do not follow these healthy guidelines, the results will be less than satisfactory.

Following liposuction for men, a vigilant diet and exercise program should be followed to maintain the results of the surgery and give you the best appearance possible.

For easy to understand, in depth information about liposuction visit our ezGuide 2 Liposuction.

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