Sunday, June 6, 2010

Men Liposuction Guide

Men and Women Approach Liposuction With Differing Opinions and Desired Outcomes

Men and women have different opinions about their body shapes and the image they want to portray. They also each have different parts of the body, which are more likely to be fatty. In the end liposuction is the same procedures whether the patient is male or female but the methods and results may be slightly different.

Women usually look for a sculpting and smoothing look, which is often portrayed in popular culture. Men tend to want to look etched with the illusion of more muscle. These desires typically raise the cost of liposuction for male patients as opposed to female patients because the surgeon works harder to make their desire possible. The male skin is better able to hold the procedures in place as opposed to female skin because of the extra elasticity in the male body.

Another of the main factors is that the male physique carries a high percentage of fibrous materials in their fatty areas. This means the loosening and suctioning procedures are more intense in order to get the desired results. This can add a lot of time to the surgery and recovery time for many male patients. However, the fibrous material is greatly beneficial for the overall look of the completed procedure. The thickness helps the skin look fresh and new after the surgery has had proper time to heal and recover completely.

The female physique carries a much lower amount of fibrous materials in their fatty material. This makes the overall recovery a little more of a process. The challenge often depends on the age and weight of the patient. However, the low fibrous tissue is beneficial because it is easier to loosen and extract from the body. This makes for less bruising and the healing process goes smoother.

Liposuction has become a popular procedure among men in recent years as popular culture has made its mark on society. However, women still create about eighty nine percent of the market. This means that many practices and surgeons understand the female body better because they have had more time to work and perfect the practice.

Some surgeons have made it a point to understand the male physique better in order to accommodate the rising interest. A number of plastic surgeons in New York are devoting a large portion of their practices to male cosmetic surgeries. As time goes on the male surgeries will be at the same advantage as the female surgeries.

Christian Heftel is a staff writer at
For more information on Christian and Liposuction, please visit

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Friday, March 19, 2010

Is Liposuction the Same For Men As it is For Women?

iposuction is becoming increasingly popular, fueled in part by new advances in the technique and technologies. Various methods of laser lipo such as SmartLipo, ProLipo, CoolLipo, LipoLite, and LipoTherme have simplified the surgery and made the recovery faster and more comfortable. Although many people tend to think of liposuction as being exclusively a female procedure, today more and more of the growing numbers of liposuction patients are men.

According to the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, men accounted for just over 9% of all liposuctions in 2008. While this number may not sound impressive initially, when one remembers that over 341,000 liposuctions were performed in 2008, then one realizes that roughly 31,500 liposuctions were performed on men in America last year. While men certainly don't constitute a majority in the world of liposuction, there certainly is a growing market and a growing demand for male liposuction.

Because men's bodies are different from women's, the most commonly treated body areas are different for men and women. The most popular target areas among women are the abdomen, breasts, hips and thighs. Men don't tend to carry excess weight on their hips and thighs, but they are genetically predisposed to carrying excess weight around their waists, and they experience problems with "love handles" more frequently than women. As such, the flanks and the abdomen are very popular liposuction sites among men. Sometimes men experience unwanted weight gain around their chests, which leads to "man boobs." Liposuction is a very popular alternative in removing unwanted fat in the male breast. Other popular places where men frequently get liposuction include the chin, neck and jowls.

Liposuction tends to cost more for men than for women. This is due to a number of different factors. One of them is that men tend to be larger than women, so there is typically more fat to remove. Another factor is the fact that men by nature tend to have tougher and more fibrous fat than women, which makes it more difficult to remove. Finally, the areas that men tend to pick for liposuction, such as the flanks and the chest are naturally more fibrous on both men and women. All of these factors make male liposuction take more time and effort, which makes it more costly, even though the exact same techniques are used.

Given that women undergo liposuction much more frequently than men, and given that surgical experience is so important, men who are considering liposuction may want to be careful to ensure that they find a surgeon who has sufficient experience in sculpting the body area that they want operated on. Although liposuction techniques may be the same for men and women, the aesthetic for the male body is very different from the female aesthetic. Someone who has a lot of experience with female breast reductions may not automatically be the best prepared to perform a reduction of the male breasts. Talking in depth with potential surgeons and asking to see before and after pictures of the desired body area on male patients can help.

If you are a man who is interested in liposuction, you might consider meeting with a surgeon in your area. Many liposuction surgeons offer free consultations to potential clients. Consultations like these can help you to know whether or not liposuction can help you with your desires and goals.

Christian Heftel is a staff writer at

For more information on Christian and SmartLipo, please visit

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Friday, February 5, 2010

Differences in Liposuction For Men and Women Exist

Like with any physical concern, there are differences between male and female liposuction. They are small differences, but they exist nevertheless and those considering the procedure should be aware of this. Men especially should be cautious of general information about the surgery because much of it will pertain to women, who make up the majority of lipo patients.

The main difference in performing liposuction on the two sexes is the location of the undesirable fat. Male and female bodies store excess fat in different areas and have different ideal body shapes, so each has different commonly treated areas to achieve these ideals. Men most often have fat removed from the chest, back, and torso; whereas the hips and thighs are more popular choices for women. Both regularly have the abdominal area treated, however.

Nevertheless, even treatment of the abdominal region presents differences between men and women. There are different types of abdominal fat: visceral and intra-abdominal. Intra-abdominal fat exists directly under the skin and causes both men and women problems. Visceral fat covers the organs and is found deeper in the body. This is the fat that causes "beer bellies" on men, and because of its location is very difficult and dangerous to remove. The risk of nerve damage, blood loss, and organ damage is too great for liposuction to be performed here. So while women may have their abdomens contoured to their desired look, men may not have such an option.

Another body difference that affects liposuction in men and women is size. Men are larger, so the treated area will probably be larger. This means more fat will be removed and more time spent on the procedure. This increases the price of the operation. A larger body also means more anesthetic will be required, which will increases the cost too. The composition of male fat is also different than female fat tissue. Female fat is softer and more easily removed, whereas male fat tends to be more fibrous and tougher, requiring more time again for the surgery. Men should be aware of this extra cost when they consider liposuction because the average prices they will find in their research will predominantly be based on liposuction performed on women.

Recovery for the two sexes is very similar. Both can return to work in about a week or two, though men with more strenuous jobs may have to wait up to four weeks to be sure they will not cause damage to the surgery wound. But in the end liposuction is a very effective cosmetic procedure for both men and women hoping to lose an extra few pounds and achieve their ideal body shape.

Christian Heftel is a staff writer at For more information on Christian and Liposuction, please visit

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